Rene and Angelina Hartshorne, who initially began their careers as teenage models, have since ascended to the status of supermodels, representing Mercator. Exceptional genes run in the family. These sibling models have made significant contributions to the fashion industry. They have been featured in numerous editorials, runways, and advertising campaigns across the metro. While Rene is characterized by her strong jawline and fierce appearance, Angelina is distinguished by her soft and alluring visage. In this fashion editorial, the Hartshornes are donning monochromatic styles as they transition through each decade.
Golden Age Glamour
They’re ready for their close-up Mr. Demiille.
Margot Tenenbaum
Love, Peace and Stay Groovy
Vogue in the 90s
Don’t just stand there, let’s get to it, strike a pose, there’s nothing to it.
Photography & Creative Direction: Rxandy Capinpin
Styling & Design: Edrick Paz
Makeup: Hanna Pechon using Shu Uemura
Hair: Bhads Castor
Models: Rene and Angelina Hartshorne of Mercator Models