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  • Writer's pictureParcinq Magazine

#ParcinqFashion: Vince Meets World

Ready Player, One?

In a world where hyper-reality is not far-fetched, VXON’s Vince steps into a realm where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, and fashion becomes a game of endless possibilities. As the virtual and physical worlds converge, Vince navigates through a variety of digital landscapes, where each outfit unlocks a new level of creativity and self-expression.

Drawing inspiration from the eclectic collections of Rxandy Capinpin, Ryebread, and Ian Francisco, the narrative brings a playful twist to the latest #ParcinqFashion editorial, where the very vision features Vince reimagined as an action figure that’s as nostalgic as it is innovative.

The adventure is just beginning, and the only limit is the extent of his vision.


Hold On Tight

The Beast

Running Up That Hill


Driver's License

Photography by Rxandy Capinpin

Videography by Ian Francisco

Art Direction by Bettina Erquieza

Styling by Ryebread

Grooming by Bhads Castor

Words by Hans Ethan Carbonilla



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